5 April
Between 5th & 9th of April 2006 I left Sweden for a vacation
in London. As a fan of Banksy I
had printed maps
of Banksy's graffiti around London (if
you follow the link you can login with "banksy" and you
get directions and pictures) and
was planning to look for them when I was in the neighbourhood.

Banksy : Tag
Happy Choppers on canvas, Lazarides
First stop on my Banksy hunt was Lazarides
Gallery on Greek Street who have original art of different artists,
among them Banksy. The prices, as I knew, was waaaaay out of
my league, but it was really cool to see these.
Pictured here is "Happy Choppers", listed for £40.000
+VAT!!! But it's a lot of canvas for your money: 127x182 cm.

Banksy : Happy Choppers
Mona Lisa on canvas, Lazarides
Tucked away on the floor of the office was a "Mona Lisa",
and to bring that home you only need £32.000
There was a lot of other cool art, so don't miss it even if you're
"We aim to create an informal atmosphere where anyone can feel
comfortable viewing art or sheltering from the rain".

Banksy : Mona Lisa
6 April
Smiley Reaper/Ghost on Scrutton Street
The day after I had an appointment with Pictures
On Walls (POW), Banksy's printmakers, so that I could extend
my rather small Banksy collection.
Before I went to their office I located my first outdoor Banksy:
a "Smiley
Reaper/Ghost" just
20 metres from POW's door. It looked really great with the blue wall
as background.

Banksy : Smiley Reaper/Ghost
Happy Choppers on Holywell Row
And just round the corner from Scrutton Street there's a "Happy Chopper".
A bit faded, but nice.

Banksy : Happy Choppers
Pictures On Walls / P.O.W.
At Pictures On Walls I bought three new Banksy prints. "Grin Reaper",
"CND Soldiers" & a "Welcome to hell"-rat are now mine. Of course all
the prints were much better-looking IRL, so I couldn't help myself
and bought one of Jamie Hewlett "Stained Windows" and Faile's "Smoking
Silence". Not £40.000, but still more than I could afford. Fuck it,
it's only money.
Of course they had interesting things all around, so I asked if it
was ok to photograph. Apart from everything else there was a poem by
Banksy on wood (if I remember correctly) and a canvas of a fly with
a gas mask high up by the ceiling.
"Only when the last tree
Has been cut down
And the last river
Has dried to a trickle
Will man finally realise
That we cannot eat money
And reciting old proverbs
Makes you sound like a twat"

Banksy : ? Poem ?

Banksy : ? Fly with gas mask ?
Waiter Rats on Curtain
Now I really was inspired and started walking round Shoreditch. Next
stop was "Waiter Rats" on the corner of Christina Street(?) and Curtain
Road. Almost gone now, unfortunately. The red carpet is easily spotted,
but the waiter rats are hardly visible

Banksy : Waiter Rats
Snorting Copper on Curtain Road
Snorting Copper is just a bit further north on Curtain Road. It's
a great image with the white line going through an alley and down a
drain on Charlotte Road.

Banksy : Snorting Copper
Banksy : White Line
Designated Picnic Areas on and around Curtain Road
• 1 Rivington Street
• 2 Curtain Road
• 3 Alley off Curtain Road
Banksy : Designated Picnic Area
Policeman With Poodle & His Masters Voice off Rivington
Just to the left of Cargo Clup on Rivington Street there's a wall
with great paintings, not just Banksys.
The man and dog is still in good condition & the poodles red clown
nose breaks me up.
The His Masters Voice is altered by someone else I think, but he's
done a good job.

Banksy : Policeman with poodle

Banksy : His Masters Voice
War On Art - Rivington Street
Is this Banksy? Feels & looks a bit like it and I also think it looks
a bit like his handwriting. Anyone know?
This is also on Rivington Street just opposite Cargo Club

Banksy(?) : War On Art
TV Out The Window & Giant Rat With Fork & Knife
on a parking lot at X-ing Rivington Street and Old Street
The parking lot was guarded so I never got up close, but these are
BIG! The TV looks really life-like and the rat looks really hungry.
But what about the red circle around the eye?
Story continues on page 2

Banksy : TV Out The Window

Banksy : Giant Rat With Fork & Knife